A mirror of my blog that I host. Mirroring it here just to provide an additional backup. Check out the real deal at http://www.justinandrewfincher.com/

Monday, June 26, 2006

Bristol Challenge

This wasn't just a run, but it was a race so I thought I would include it. The race consisted of an 18 mile bike ride, a 4.5 mile run, and a 1.5 mile kayak. Mom, Lauren, and I did it as a relay team with mom biking, lauren running, and me kayaking. It was a nice overcast day so it didn't get too hot, which was nice. We were probably the least trained and most ill-equipped, but we still had fun!

Bike (Mom) - 1:13:00
Run (Lauren) - 38:00
Kayak (Me) - 26:00

Totatl Time - 2:17:00