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Friday, April 2, 2010

Streaming content from my computer to my PS3

This is something I've been playing around with for a while and since I found lots of sites that talked about different ways to do it but few worked for me, I thought I would make a little post about my setup to help anyone that might be trying to do the same thing. So essentially I have lots of movies on my computer (an iMac) that I would like to be able to watch on my PS3.  I played around with a couple pieces of software to make my computer a media server and they either weren't very good, or they cost money (I'm pretty stingy when it comes to paying for software).  As I've been working on hosting my own web page lately, I thought about using that (but just locally) to get the media from my computer to my PS3.  So I turned on web sharing on my computer so I would have access to my Sites folder from other computers on my network.  I didn't want to move my media around so I created a symbolic link to the movies in my web folder like so:

ln -s ~/Movies/Films movies

So now when I look in my web folder, there is a folder called "movies" that points to where I have all the movie files for the films I want to share. I don't think permissions need to be changed, but the "Films" folder might need additional permissions from default. For some reason, I had trouble getting my computer to allow directory listings to be displayed through the browser. I found a couple sites describing what to do, but none seemed to work for me so I concocted a little workaround. I threw together a little script to just make a list of links to the movies in the folder (for me they are all either .m4v or .mp4 files) and here it is: #!/bin/bash
# Script to create a linked directory listing of files in the folder

echo "<html><title>Movies</title><body>" > index.html
for f in `ls *.mp4 *.m4v`
        echo "<a href=$f>$f</a><br>" >> index.html
echo "</body></html>" >> index.html
So basically it just makes a simple webpage that links to each of the movie files, nothing too fancy. So then all I have to do is hop on my PS3, open up the browser and point it to http://my.computers.local.ip/~username/movies and TADA! I have a listing of all the movie files to choose from. I can either just click on them and they will stream or I can save them and watch later. As they are decently high quality (and thus large files), streaming only works ok, so I tend towards downloading first. It takes less than a half an hour to transfer a movie so we don't have to wait that long, then I can just delete the file when I am done to save space.

If anyone stumbles upon this, I hope it was helpful!

View original posts at http://www.justinandrewfincher.com/

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