ln -s ~/Movies/Films movies
So now when I look in my web folder, there is a folder called "movies" that points to where I have all the movie files for the films I want to share. I don't think permissions need to be changed, but the "Films" folder might need additional permissions from default. For some reason, I had trouble getting my computer to allow directory listings to be displayed through the browser. I found a couple sites describing what to do, but none seemed to work for me so I concocted a little workaround. I threw together a little script to just make a list of links to the movies in the folder (for me they are all either .m4v or .mp4 files) and here it is: #!/bin/bash
# Script to create a linked directory listing of files in the folder
echo "<html><title>Movies</title><body>" > index.html
for f in `ls *.mp4 *.m4v`
echo "<a href=$f>$f</a><br>" >> index.html
echo "</body></html>" >> index.html
So basically it just makes a simple webpage that links to each of the movie files, nothing too fancy. So then all I have to do is hop on my PS3, open up the browser and point it to http://my.computers.local.ip/~username/movies and TADA! I have a listing of all the movie files to choose from. I can either just click on them and they will stream or I can save them and watch later. As they are decently high quality (and thus large files), streaming only works ok, so I tend towards downloading first. It takes less than a half an hour to transfer a movie so we don't have to wait that long, then I can just delete the file when I am done to save space. If anyone stumbles upon this, I hope it was helpful! View original posts at http://www.justinandrewfincher.com/
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