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Monday, August 31, 2009

And the rehab begins...

So I mentioned before that I sprained my ankle over 4th of July weekend. It is still acting up some and not fully recovered, but I've pretty much kept off of it as much as possible (i.e. sat around getting fat) since that weekend. Well I've decided that it feels close enough to good that I'm going to start getting back into my workout. Since it is the start of a new semester, it is the start of a new schedule and, as such, a perfect time to concoct a new workout schedule! It really isn't that different, but below is my game plan for the semester. I started up today with Mondays workout and it went pretty well. Hopefully my ankle won't flare up and bother me later. One thing I am apparently going to have to do differently is get to school a little earlier. If I get there a little after 9 I have to park about a 15 minute walk from the gym, 20 minutes from my building. Not that it is horrible to walk that far, but when it is 90 degrees outside and you have a bookbag and a gym bag, I don't mind parking close :-) I guess I'll start seeing earlier mornings soon!

chest press
shoulder press
fly machine
tricep exercise
hamstring curl
multihip machine
bike or run

bike or swim

lat pull
dead lift
seated row
bicep curl
leg press
calf raise
smith lunge
bike or run

bike or swim

Then Friday-Sunday will be free days where I will try to be active, but will not have any pre-scheduled activities. I figure that's the easiest way to accommodate travels, 5ks, and such. So no matter what I should get 4 solid workout days in a week, which will hopefully not be impeded by injury and will help me burn this newly acquired insulation I am currently lugging around. We'll see how it goes!

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