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Monday, June 15, 2009

Things just keep a kickin'!

Man, we have been staying crazy busy as of late. I am going to be SOOO glad when this class is over and I get to relax a little bit and don't have constant deadlines to keep up with. Anyhoo...

So friday in my house growing up was always pizza night. It still is whenever I'm home, but I haven't really kept the trend going when I've been off at school. Sometimes Friday is rolling around and I just get the urge for pizza, though, so I give in. Sometimes I order, sometimes we make our own. The former is easiest, but we've gotten some pretty darn good pizzas with the latter! I got a yummy sourdough crust and started concocting a veggie pizza friday night.

All veggied up!

Add some cheese

Bake and serve!

MC dressed up plate up a bit more

If I remember correctly, the pizza had yellow squash, broccoli, spinach, green pepper, yellow pepper, red pepper, and onion. Especially on a sourdough crust it was super duper ultra yummy!! MC added some sides to hers, but I stuck with beer as an accompaniment ;-)

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