I haven't taken the time to sit down and make an update in a while, though I have tried to keep it from getting too stagnant by at least posting the occasional picture (even if I can't get the tagging feature to work properly). I looked back through my blog to see what I was missing, and in actuality there hasn't really been that much to blog about anyway. I was wrapping up the semester and getting a lot of work done in the office while we
figured out our wedding venue and started working on wedding stuff. Since MC took care of the wedding venue post, I will just make this post about the family ski trip. This year it was Park City, UT!
Usually the Tallahassee Airport is pretty dull and not very busy. Our flight was leaving at like 6 in the morning, so we figured the combination of those two things would mean we wouldn't have to deal with crowds too much and showing up 45 minutes before our flight would be plenty. Boy were we wrong! The lines were ridiculous and by the time we actually got to the counter the lady had to do an override because it was less than 30 minutes until our flight was supposed to take off. Not exactly a relaxing way to start the morning! While it was a little hectic, we (and MCs checked bag) actually made it to Atlanta ok. We met up with the rest of the fam and were on our way!
Park City hadn't had a lot of snow before we left to head out there, but the forecast looked promising. The first day it was snowy, but the amount of residual snow was unimpressive.

We were very glad to be getting snow, but it definitely was a little sloppy for the first day of skiing, especially for MC (her 3rd time out!).

By the second morning, I think we had gotten over 20 inches of snow. Definitely an improvement in the scenery!

One of my favorite parts of going on family vacations, especially out west, is the beer! Dad and I love to sample all the local brews, and Park City had several BrewPubs, which typically means samplers!

It also means you occasionally stumble upon some pretty cool decorations, like this snazzy christmas tree!

After a day of skiing and some beer, rest usually came pretty easy! Luckily, after snowing the first few days (I think we got like 28" total), the weather cleared up so I got to have some nice lift rides with my fiancee...

and some action shots of my sweetie in action!

Usually, after a hard day on the mountain, we'd come home, relax for a bit, then head downtown to explore some shops before finding a place to refuel (dinner and beer!)

Occasionally, we'd run into some risque bears...

or some bears who just wanted the accompaniment of a beautiful lady...

or just confusing signage about the accomplishments of the local transit system.

One really great thing about being out west is that you are surrounded by beautiful scenery, whether it be from your bedroom window...

or just looking out from the slopes.
I was excited about some of the scenery shots this trip because I actually brought my nice D90. It was a little cumbersome to snowboard with some of the times, but mostly it wasn't too much of a hassle and I think that some of the pics I got during the trip were definitely worth it. I only wish I had been in better shape because I could really have gotten some awesome action shots! Fortunately I still got some ok ones (Photo credit to Lauren Fincher for the ones of me).
Ramping over the barrel
 | Throwing a grab next to the slider
Actually hitting the slider
 | Backside Backslide
Mom tearing it up
 | MC following suit in a very active manner
Dad shredding
 | And Lauren on the harder stuff.
We even got some videos while we were out on the slopes! My camera will do video, but it is a little cumbersome so Dad and I just used our phones whenever we wanted to capture something. Dad caught a nice one of me on a slider
And I got a good one of MC and Dad tearing down the slopes.
While Dad and I enjoyed the beer, the girls tended towards enjoying the food side of things a little more. You know, things like tiny little bowls of soup at the Margariteria.

Or edible treats you have to build yourself, like super snazzy gingerbread trains!

All-in-all it was a pretty awesome trip. Good snow, good weather, good beer and good company. As pointed out by my mom, it was also the last ski trip where we aren't all Finchers! I can't wait for next year!

As an additional note, speaking of all being Finchers, as we were filing through the craziness that was the Salt Lake City Airport, trying to get to the Medallion line, the guy looked at us and asked my dad "These all with you?" He replied yes, then he pointed at MC and said "Even this one?!" Haha, it was quite funny and my favorite brownie turned noticeably pink. Just had to share :-)